Eyelid Conditions

About Eyelid Conditions?

At Visionary Eye Surgeons, our ophthalmologists are dedicated to caring for your eye health. They have many years of experience helping diagnose, treat, and manage eyelid lumps and bumps with minor procedures. Some of the most common eyelid sores include styes and chalazions. Typically, these lesions are not associated with another serious illness; however, they may start to become uncomfortable or grow larger, which might hinder your vision.

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Common Eyelid Conditions

At Visionary Eye Surgeons we diagnose and treat many types of common and rare eyelid problems. Some of the most common conditions that we diagnose and treat are chalazions and styes. Because these conditions look similar, patients may have a difficult time identifying and treating them correctly.

Chalazions are clogged or inflamed eyelid oil glands. Normally, these bumps do not occur directly on the lash line. They grow slowly but may become the size of a pea or larger. If big enough, they can start to obscure the vision and cause uncomfortable symptoms. This condition is not painful or contagious.

Styes happen when bacteria enter the eyelash pore. Common symptoms associated with styes generally include swollen, red bumps that appear directly on the lash line and sometimes within the eyelid. Styes are not indicative of other serious issues, but they can create painful and uncomfortable symptoms.

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The removal of an eyelid lesion, like a stye or chalazion, is generally restricted to those patients whose vision is significantly obscured by the lesion or who have not had any relief from other methods. Like with any surgery, there are possible complications so we will only perform surgical removal if we determine that it is necessary.

During your first appointment, our ophthalmologists will discuss your medical history and assess the condition of your eyelid. We will review the location, size, type, and how long you’ve had the stye or chalazion. These things will help us determine the best treatment plan for you.

Treatment Options

Occasionally, a chalazion or stye may go away with at-home treatments, such as applying hot compresses or using over-the-counter medicine. However, if these methods do not work, both a stye and a chalazion can increase in size and impact your vision. You may also start to experience painful symptoms at this stage. If it gets to this point, we recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our expert ophthalmologists to determine if minimally invasive surgery is the best treatment option for you.

At Visionary Eye Surgeons, our ophthalmologists may suggest draining or removing the lump based on the position, size, and type. Generally, a big, inflamed stye that won’t go away requires draining. For an infected, stubborn chalazion, we may excise it. Before either procedure, we will numb your eye and the incision is typically very small so it doesn’t require stitches.

What to Expect

Following the appointment, patients can get back to their daily routine without any issue because drainage and excision of a stye or chalazion is a minor treatment. During the first week after your procedure, our ophthalmologists may prescribe antibiotic eye drops or medicated cream to prevent infection. To help the area continue to heal, you should avoid rubbing or touching your eyes, swimming, getting your eyes wet in the shower, and wearing makeup for the first couple of weeks. If you follow proper aftercare directions, your eyelid should heal in about 1 – 2 weeks.

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